FatWallet Coupons and Deals

12:28 PM
INGREDIENTS: Milk, Milk Maid, Corn flour, Elachi, Pista, Badham


  • Boil 750 ml of milk

  • Add 1&1/2 tbl spoon of cornflour to it and mix well

  • Take 250 ml of milk maid and add 1 & 1/2 tbl spn of corn flour to it and mix well

  • Mix milk and milk maid in a bowl

  • Place on stove top and keep on stirring continuously in very low flame

  • Finally add little elachi powder and mix well

  • Dish out cool and freeze it

  • Can also be poured in moulds (to  give shape of own choice) and freeze till done

  • Garnish with crushed pista & badham and serve

  • Yummy yummy mouth watering kulfi is ready now


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