Heres an simple chutney using leftout ridge guard peeled skin, very tasty and no drop of oil is used
INGREDIENTS: Beerakaya pottu (ridge guard peeles skin), Salt. Green chillies, Seasame (nuvvulu), Tamarind
- Chop ridge guard skin and clean well using water
- Place frying pan on flame
- Add seasame seeds and fry till colour changes
- Add green chillies, chopped ridge guard and fry till raw small goes off
- Add salt, tamarind and fry for few minutes
- Cool all the ingredients
- Blend to fine paste using very little water (if required only)
- Interested people can ad little jaggery also (bellam)
- Beerakaya pottu chutney is ready now
- Serve hot with cooked rice or chapathis..

i like Ur dishes very much. i Lear cooking by following Ur special cooking's.......a special thanks for u .