This is specially for kids and people who dsnt take betroot and raddish directly, if you cook in this way definetly everyone will eat it and jonna pindi is also very good for health
INGREDIENTS: Oil, Jonna pindi (milo flour), Raw rice flour (biyyapindi), Avalu (mustard seeds), Jeera (cumin seeds), Green chilly paste, Salt, Onions, Cabbage, Coriander, Curry leaves, Ground nuts (peanuts), Betrrot, Carrot, Raddish

- Take an bowl, add 1 and 1/2 cups of jonna pindi, 1 cup of grinded powdered peanuts powder, 1 and 1/2 cups of biyyapindi, green chilly paste, salt, chopped onions, cabbage, curry leaves, coriander, spoon of avalu, jeera, grated carrot, betroot, raddish and mix well the contents using water into thick dough
- Now take a plastic cover, apply oil on the cover, place some mixed dough on it and press it thinly (like rottis, chapathis) using your fingers if not you can place one more cover on it and press it using chapathi maker stick for ease
- Now place dosa pan or tawa on flame, apply oil, keep rotte with cover itself on pan, after a minute, remove cover slowly, roast it on both sides by applying oil
- Serves good with any pickle and curd
- Betroot jonna rotte is ready to serve now..
Cover used should be such that it does not take flame, for example outer packs of cigerette covers available in provisional shops, (or) silver colour coated shiny paper plates of normal dosa size can be used to make
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