FatWallet Coupons and Deals

8:02 AM
INGREDIENTS: Curd /Yogurt (perugu), Salt, Green chilly paste, Atukulu (rice flakes), Boondhi karapusa, Onion, Tomato, Coriander, Cucumber (optional)


  • In a bowl add required quantity of rice flakes, salt, green chilly paste

  • Soak it in thick yogurt till soft

  • Chop onions, cucumber and tomato into thin cubes

  • Add chopped vegetables into the rice flakes bowl before serving and mix well

  • Garnish with chopped coriander and sprinkle boondhi kara on it

  • Serve The chat for snack or when some gusts arrive home unexpectedly

  • Yummy spicy perugu atukulu are ready to eat


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