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1:44 AM

·        Cumin is a seed that has been used for ages. This is traditional herb known for the health benefits and medicinal uses it has for hundreds of years
·        Cumin is useful for digestive disorders and even as an antiseptic
·        The seeds themselves are rich in iron and help boost the power of liver
·        It is used to treat indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, and morning sickness
·        The seeds are boiled in water to make a tea with table spoon of seeds to one glass of water, It is then mixed with salt and a t spoon of coriander leaf juice
·        Cumin also helps relieves symptoms of common cold
·        If u have a sore throat pain try adding some dry ginger to cumin water to help soothe it
·        Due to its antiseptic properties, when applied topically, cumin is said to be a good ointment for boils, make a black cumin paste with water and apply on the affected area
·        Cumin juice makes for a great tonic for the body even when you don’t have a specific ailment, it is said to increase the heat in the body thus making metabolism more efficient
·        It is also considered to be a powerful kidney and liver herb which can help boost the immune system
·        It is also believed that black cumin seeds can treat asthma and arthritics….
·        So try to add cumin in your daily foods
·        Be healthy and smile always….

Check out the recepie, prepared using cumin,


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