INGREDIENTS: Oil, Paneer, Capsicum (green, yellow, red), Salt, Aznomoto, Pepper, Onion, Garlic, Soyasauce, Spring onion, Cornflour, Water
- Cut paneer and capsicums into long pieces (like finger chips)
- Now magnet them by seasoning salt, pepper, aznomoto, cornflour, water
- Deep fry this magneted pieces in oil, till golden brown and drain out excess oil by placing on a paper napkin plate
- Take a frying pan, add 3-4 spoons of oil, chopped onion, garlic, fry a while, then add soya sauce, salt, red chilly powder, aznomoto, pepper, little water, saute well
- Finally add deep fried paneer, capsicum , (dilute corn flour and add if the gravy is not thick), mix well leave for a while
- Garnish with spring onions and serve
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